These days, it is important for most of us to find ways to save money. To keep monthly expenses down, many vehicle owners tend to forego preventative maintenance. But to avoid the costs and headaches associated with a breakdown or avoidable repairs, the importance of regular auto maintenance services cannot be overstated. Not to mention the safety of you, your passengers, and others on the road. Sidestepping tune-ups or preventative maintenance for your vehicle will inevitably leave you open to reliability and safety issues.
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Preventative auto maintenance is a course of action taken to keep your car operating at peak efficiency to avoid costly repairs or a breakdown. Services like routine inspections of vehicle components that frequently wear out and fluid and filter changes will ensure that your car is safe to drive and help you minimize costly, unplanned expenses. Here are the top 3 auto maintenance services to save you money in the long run:
Keeping your automobile in good running condition requires checking fluid levels regularly and changing fluids and filters periodically. Schedule regular fluid and filter maintenance to prolong the life of your luxury car’s engine, cooling system, transmission, and brakes and avoid the risk of a breakdown. High-end import vehicle owners need to follow the manufacturer’s fluid and filter change interval recommendations to ensure their car is operating at its peak performance. Keeping up with the following routine filter and fluid maintenance will keep you and your passengers safe and your luxury automobile on the road for the full extent of its lifetime:
Tire rotation is the process of switching out the placement of your vehicle’s tires to maintain an even tread and prolong the life of the tires. Rotating your tires regularly will equalize the wear patterns and greatly contribute to a smooth and safe ride for you and your passengers.
By balancing out the tire tread with regular tire rotations, you are saving money by extending the life of your tires and avoiding early tire wear and replacement. Most tire warranties require routine tire rotation within the terms of the warranty to keep it valid.
While most vehicle manufacturers recommend rotating tires every 3,000 to 5,000 miles, some prudent car owners adhere to an easy-to-remember routine of scheduling a tire rotation with every other oil change.
Preventative brake maintenance will improve your fine European automobile’s performance and brake life. Generally, you should have your vehicle’s brake system inspected every 10,000 miles. While keeping up with maintenance for your brake system is economically wise, if you hear grinding and squealing or find that you need to push the pedal harder than usual to brake, do not hesitate to schedule a brake inspection to determine the problem before it becomes hazardous.
iAUTOHAUS in Tempe, Arizona, proudly serves customers locally, across the country, and around the world! Contact us today or give us a call at 480-317-0777 to schedule your auto maintenance services for your safety on the roadway and to keep costs to a minimum, including the following:
Our multicultural staff advocates safety and preventative maintenance by alerting you to potential issues before they become costly to repair to keep you and your passengers safe and your vehicle on the road at its optimal performance.
Minimum $500 purchase
“Excludes Oil Service”
“Excludes Oil Service”
Minimum $500 purchase
“Excludes Oil Service”